Wednesday, June 30, 2021


 IN THE AGE OF AI is a profound film getting into the nitty gritty of artificial intelligence. I have known that it is more complex than I am currently able to comprehend, but I had no clue about the important ins and outs people should be taking away from this film. I found the form of artificial intelligence deep learning a fascinating concept. It is crazy that it can mimic the human brain, and then use its “own brain” to do the rest, it almost doesn't even seem possible that it can possibly know something we hadn’t known before. Or as they say it, “play a game we haven’t played.” While this was a great success, there are consequences that come along with it. 
 The AI future is a part of the new generation, and a lot of time is being spent critically thinking about how it will affect the future. China is the fastest moving country in the world of AI, from using other forms of identification in grocery stores, self driving cars, drone delivery, shared bicycle rides, and much more. The U.S. is ahead in technology, but China has ten times more data and AI is run and fueled by data. The more data the better the AI works. Maybe this is the part that is scary? I can't even comprehend how fast the film was explaining some of the technology works. The identity identification is what probably freaks me out the most. 
The young 24 year old that built a self driving golf cart, led to a company making self driving trucks, which I found fascinating and did not know was a huge breakthrough currently happening more than I thought it was. I like the motive behind creating the safest way for people to get around.
A quote I liked in the film is “there are many aspects of the world which we can’t explain with words.” That part of our knowledge is very interesting and I can actually understand what he means by that. Machines have the potential of creating new solutions to so many things due to their creativity. An example is breast cancer. It is a positive thing that we are overcoming the limitation of our own minds as a human race. A negative thing is the amount of jobs that are potentially going to be threatened by AI. However, a very good point made is that about twenty, thiry, forty years ago, about fifty percent of the jobs people had back then are gone today. This would be history repeating itself again as new technologies occur, which is why it may not be as concerning as it seems. However, the AI invention covers bigger industries, which may be a new concern that has not happened before, since obviously, AI has not happened before. With AI it is said that the middle class may go away. But with the negatives that come with the initial process of many people losing their jobs, there is a cost, and where is the line drawn? I never thought that AI would have a lot to do with inequality. This film talks about how AIs impact could make it worse. Rich people could become more rich and the poor more poor with no middle. It is a worry that there may be a crash that could be very difficult to come back from. 
Finally, the part that creeps me out the most, is the discussion the film has on algorithms. The fact that you “release data” and companies do what they want with it leaves many people an uneasy feeling. I have learned through this film and also THE SOCIAL DILEMMA, which I have watched on my own, that this is crucial to become aware of in order to be in control of it. In the film it says “we may not be the users of social media, social media may be using us.” Surveillance Capitalism was brought to my attention, and how businesses want to learn as much about you as they can. To go with that I really enjoyed hearing the story about the right to go to a company and ask about the data collected on you and the right to not allow your information to be sold. The beginning of that is a huge part in preventing the spread of information about an individual. I have realized that it is going to take a lot of work to make sure AI is done right in order to have a positive outcome on society, and there are numerous factors to consider in order for it to do so.  

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