Monday, June 14, 2021

Eight Values of Free Expression

The freedoms of expression convey and instill the core values of the democratic process. This allows us to discuss any ideas we want, be our own individual selves, and self expression without fear or punishment. These concepts are what make America special because we can speak freely. 

Marketplace of Ideas- This value of free expression states that eventually truth will prevail, so as aggravating as it is to see people spread falsehoods, it is sometimes necessary to occur, because it forces people to look deeper for the truth, and to counter the falsehoods. I think this relates to numerous things. For example, the most obvious one, social media. There is no question that false news is spread on a daily basis because people can say anything, but there are people who respond from all angles, this allows people too often find what is true or not true. Another example is health fads. People spread all kinds of theories on what is healthy or not healthy, but then doing that allows experts to step in and look into whether or not it is true. If people were not allowed to bring up falsehoods people would not be so adamant to finding the truth. 

Participation in Self Government- This value of free expression states that people need to be exposed to all candidates and ideas in order to make an informed decision when voting. A candidate expressing an opinion or idea that you might not agree with forces you to educate yourself about their opinion or idea. If there are restrictions on what candidates can say, or what ideas can be talked about, you will not have an educated population making decisions. Just like you have to be exposed to falsehoods to learn the truth, you have to be exposed to bad ideas to make good decisions. 

Individual Self-Fulfillment (Self Actualization)- This value of free expression states that, by allowing free expression, people can be true to themselves and find others with common interests, beliefs, lifestyles, etc. In the process, it allows people to be a part of society and feel validated. One of the many different examples of this is being allowed to protest to stand up for things you believe in with people who stand by you, creating a community of people fighting for the same thing unapologetically. Without self expression, people would not be able to relate to each other. 

Promote Innovation- This value of free expression states that when free speech is valued in a community, there is more creativity, knowledge, diversity, and energy. The citizens that make up that community will expose themselves to more fulfilling interests and ideas. An example is the music of the 60s because it was all about protest, government, and anti war. Without the freedom to express themselve, artists would not have been able to make and release the music that has stuck with us today. Likewise, American movies are popular around the world, partly because no subject is off limits, and people's creativity and ways to tell stories is not censored by a government or an intolerant society. 

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