Tuesday, June 22, 2021

EOTO: Cassette Tapes

 Cassette tapes are flat rectangular containers made of plastic or lightweight metal that hold magnetic tape for audio or video recording and replay. It was designed to be inserted into a recorder and used immediately, rather than needing to thread a portion of the tape manually before starting to record. There were audiocassettes which recorded audio, and videocassettes which recorded video. Audiocassettes were introduced were introduced for home use in the 1960s. Videocassettes were introduced in the 1970s. Both could contain prerecorded material, or come just blank to create your own content. The cassette was one of the first technologies that allowed people to share music and recordings to a broader audience. Cassette tapes were the beginning of the progression of even better technologies that were introduced later.  Before it, music was not easy to bring on the go. No more waiting for the stereo. For the first time people were also able to record tracks of audio themselves. It was a more improved technology compared to reel to reel which was mostly just used for radio and not personal use anyway. The Cassette gave people the ability to not only listen to their favorite music/audio, but create their own stuff. For example people could create playlist like what we do with Spotify or Apple Music today. 
As mentioned before the Cassette was the pioneer for even more improved technology to come. In the 90s, the compact disc, or as I use to call it when I was a kid, CD, became the next best thing. In the early 2000s, which is when I was born, Cassettes weren’t being used anymore for practical reasons. However, old technology does often have a comeback for the nostalgic factor, and old fashion vibe. The Cassette has its small moments of being used even today. Whether the Cassette is back in trend or not, it will always be a revolutionary technology that presented people with the opportunity to record in their homes, and have video/audio on the go for the first time ever. 
Here is a timeline on the history of the audio cassette: 
1935- reel to reel recordings were invented, which were primarily used for radio stations and for professional recording studios. They were not handy for anyone to use at home. 
1958- the first reversible cassette tape was invented, but never really became popular. It was more like a trial. 
1962- Philips invented the first compact cassettes for audio storage. 
1964- cassette technology allowing people to record at home was released in the United States. 
1966- the first music albums were released on the cassette format. 
Mid 1970s- cassette decks were introduced to cars, replacing 8 track players which were used previously. 
1979- Sony released Walkman - a portable music player. 
2001- CDs were invented which made cassettes become history. 
2009- Jadakiss “The Last Kiss” was the last major label release on a cassette. 
A Commercial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uv1PxInJnY


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